The Agricultural and Environmental Research department at Cotton Incorporated provides research and technical services to cotton growers, ginners and their support industries. The department is also a link with cotton production, the textile industry, and the research and extension communities.
View and listen to current cotton market information, world events, and analysis from expert sources.
Cotton Marketing Planner
Dr. John Robinson’s newsletter focuses on farm-level implementation of strategies for Texas cotton growers to deal with yield and price risk.
Cotton farming decision aids provide bottom line answers.
2022 Upland Cotton Loan Calculator
Calculation of the Commodity Credit Corporation upland loan premium and discount values given high-volume instrument classing information.
2022 ELS Cotton Loan Calculator
Calculation of the Commodity Credit Corporation ELS loan premium and discount values given high-volume instrument classing information.
The cotton growers across the cotton belt are the backbone of the cotton industry in the United States.
Soil Variability Multiplies the Lessons Learned Each Year
Soil Variability Multiplies the Lessons Learned Each Year
Alternative and Low-Cost Sources
Coley Bailey Uses Alternative and Low-Cost Sources of Lime and Fertilizer
Find up-to-date, region-specific cotton resources from our extensive Cotton Incorporated research library, universities and other top sources.
Cotton Cultivated
A one-stop destination for cotton resources. Here you’ll find up-to-date, region-specific information from our extensive Cotton Incorporated research library, universities and other top sources.
Whole Cottonseed
Provides livestock producers with valuable information, and connects buyers and sellers of cottonseed.
A collaborative effort to test publically developed varieties at sites across the entire Cotton Belt.
COTMAN™ software uses cotton crop monitoring techniques to summarize crop developmental status, detect stress, and assist with in-season and end of season management decisions.
Seed Matrix
Cotton Incorporated and Cotton Specialists make new variety yield and fiber quality data available on
Focus on Cotton
A crop management resource features monthly webcasts from noted experts in the cotton industry.
Production of high-quality cotton lint begins with variety selection, continues with attention to all production practices, and ends with a well-planned and well-executed harvest.
The Spindle-Type Cotton Harvester
How to maintain and efficiently operate pickers, including the new on-board module building systems.
Stripper Harvesting
How to maintain and efficiently operate stripper harvesters, including field cleaner tuning tips.
Seed Cotton Handling Storage
Information on module building, tarp maintenance and handling the new round and half-size cotton modules.
Cotton Harvest System Videos
Short clips on a variety of cotton harvester preseason and in-season maintenance procedures.
Cotton Module Traceability
Using Radio Frequency Identification, RFID, tag to track Cotton Modules from the field throughout the ginning process.
Technologies available to schedule irrigation and key concepts related to water management for cotton grown in areas where rainfall provides a significant amount of the water requirements in most years.
Initiating and Terminating Irrigation for the Season
When to initiate the first and last irrigation.
Irrigation Systems Overview
Subsurface drips, surface irrigation (Flood/Furrow), water quality, and center pivots.