Crop Management Seminar Presentations

The Crop Management Seminar is held in even number years to address the many challenges growers encounter in producing a cotton crop. Recent topics have included an evolving pest complex and crop landscape, pesticide resistance in weeds and insects, instability in performance of currently available cotton varieties, and shifting environmental and economic conditions. The Seminar and associated workshops provide a venue for crop consultants and growers and cotton researchers working on solutions to production issues to discuss the events of the current growing season, exchange ideas, share information, and learn about new technologies in the pipeline. Continuing Education Units are available for the conference. Links to proceedings for the Crop Management Seminar Workshops can be found on this page.
2014 Presentations
Cotton Incorporated’s Agricultural Research – 2014 Crop Management Seminar and Workshops
2012 Presentations
Cotton Incorporated’s Agricultural Research – 2012 Crop Management Seminar and Workshops
2010 Presentations
Cotton Incorporated’s Agricultural Research – 2010 Crop Management Seminar and Workshops
2008 Presentations
Cotton Incorporated’s Agricultural Research – 2008 Crop Management Seminar and Workshops
2006 Presentations
Cotton Incorporated’s Agricultural Research – 2006 Crop Management Seminar and Workshops